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Google Ventures Hires Biotech Industry Executive: Expanding into Healthcare

On the morning of February 12th Beijing time, according to Bloomberg, Google Ventures (GV), a subsidiary of 

Google's parent company Alphabet, recently recruited renowned executive David Schenkein from the 

biotechnology industry, who will be responsible for GV's investment in the life sciences field. This reflects 

Google's continuous development ambition in the healthcare field.

Scone Kane was a hematologist and oncologist before, and also the CEO of Agios, a biotechnology company. 

Under his leadership, Agios developed two cancer drugs approved by the United States within 10 years, 

turning from a small start-up company to a large biotechnology company with a market value of 3.1 billion 

dollars, which is rare in the industry. Currently, Skeenkane is still the chairman of Agios.

Last year, Skeenkane stepped down from the CEO position but still held the position of Chairman. At that time, 

people in the biotechnology industry were very concerned about his future direction. Skeenkane, who is 61 

years old, once stated that retirement is impossible: "I can't even make it through a weekend, let alone retire. 

I know I want to continue my career, expand my influence in healthcare, and bring greater help to patients, 

but the methods may be different

Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft are increasingly valuing the healthcare industry. However, pharmaceutical 

startups have high risks and a high degree of specialization, so traditional technology investors and enterprises

 are very cautious when investing.

But GV is an exception as it has invested in some consumer oriented healthcare companies, such as Classpass 

and 23andMe, as well as in some pharmaceutical companies.

I can't think of a company that has such a wide range of business in the healthcare industry. It provides 

healthcare services, is involved in healthcare insurance, and has a wide penetration into the entire healthcare

 industryIn 2000, Agios was still a private company when it was preparing to raise funds, and at that time, Skeenkane 

had connections with GV. At that time, a friend suggested that Skeenkane send an email to GV partner Krishna 

Yeshwant to seek financing.

At first, Skeenkane thought he had found the wrong person, He said, "I received a reply saying that he wanted

 to see me. That night, we called. The next morning, we met at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and went to 

the cafeteria to have a cup of coffee." Scrinkaine told his friends, "Did you give the wrong email address? 

The person who received the email is just the resident doctor of Brigham and Women's Hospital, and there is 

no point in contacting him."

Yeshvante is a hospital resident and also responsible for GV investment affairs. The two became friends at first

 sight. When Skeenkane said he wanted to retire from Agios, the two had a conversation and it was there that 

he had the idea of working for GV.

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