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Shenrui Medical's 2022: Empowering Departments with AI and Transforming Healthcare with Technology

The relationship between AI and doctors is not about who replaces who, but about mutual improvement and empowerment of healthcare. This is the attitude of Qiao Xin, 

CEO of Shenrui Medical, and the goal of Shenrui Medical's future development.

For Shenrui, 2018 was an extraordinary year. Established only one year ago, Shenrui completed its third round of financing in that year, with a total financing amount

 of up to 300 million yuan, setting the fastest financing speed in the industry. With the joint assistance of technology and funding, Shenrui has successfully entered

 the forefront of artificial intelligence and become an indispensable force in the research and development of medical artificial intelligence.

As one of the youngest medical AI companies, Shenrui has become the most energetic enterprise in imaging AI in a short period of time, with its research 

and development strength ranking among the top in the entire industry. Is it talent that endows Shen Rui with a soul? Or did data forge its power? The path that 

Shen Rui has taken is worth exploring.

Practitioners in life sciences need to experience

Medical care is different from other industries, and its vast knowledge structure requires practitioners to accumulate long-term experience. Qiao Xin, 

CEO of Shenrui Medical, has more than 20 years of experience in Siemens Healthineers Imaging Business Unit, enabling him to have a deep understanding 

of the real needs of each stage of enterprise development.

Qiao Xin said, "At this stage, the ability of artificial intelligence comes from people; it is through sketching, programming, and other methods that 

people gradually implant the wisdom in the human brain into software - its core is still human. Therefore, the most core advantage of Shenrui comes from talent

Since its establishment, Shenrui has placed talent at its core. After a year of development, our research institute has reached 80 people, among which 

the leading figure, Professor Yu Yizhou, was recently elected as an outstanding scientist at the 2018 ACM and was selected for the 2019 IEEE Fellow. Under his

 leadership, Shenrui Research Institute has become increasingly powerful, continuously providing inexhaustible impetus for Shenrui's development

The remaining members of the research institute are also outstanding in the industry. Their intelligent professional model algorithm team is composed of doctoral 

and senior researchers from Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Stanford University. 70% of the members have published articles at top conferences 

such as ICCV, AAAI, and CVPR. In addition, the team also has many imaging and management experts who have worked in medical multinational companies for many years.

Establishing advantages through technology

In the eyes of the outside world, Shen Rui seems to have not been exposed very frequently. He is more like a hermit who continuously cultivates internal skills in 

order to accumulate and accumulate wealth. Shenrui has put more effort into technology research and development, and the iterative updates of technology are often 

not easily detected by the outside world. It is precisely because of this development mode that Sunrui, which was founded only one year and six months ago, has 

launched seven AI related product lines, including tumor, stroke, breast, image cloud... Sunrui has introduced AI products into various diseases with the highest 

incidence of incidence rate in China.

The frequent positive reviews from frontline doctors helped Shen Rui submit the perfect answer sheet for 2018. In the special issue of the 40th anniversary of 

China Daily's reform and opening up in December 2018, Sunrise Healthcare, Ali and Geely Auto Automobile, as representatives of private enterprises, demonstrated 

the courage of Chinese private enterprises to seize the opportunity from the trend of global intelligent transformation and compete fiercely with international 

competitors by virtue of independently developed technologies.

But even Shenrui, which has 7 product lines, has only opened a small gap in artificial intelligence and medical treatment, expanding into only the tip of the iceberg. 

This means that there is a huge space waiting for Shenrui to explore, and the hidden market in the field of artificial intelligence means it is difficult for us to 

evaluate how much potential Shenrui has.

Therefore, in the new year, Shenrui's core strength will balance the upgrading of existing products with the breakthrough of new diseases. Although the existing products 

have been widely recognized by experts, there is still great room for improvement in AI technology. Shenrui Medical has a core algorithm team that is second to none in 

the industry, which is the source of Shenrui's scientific research strength.

Meanwhile, Shenrui always regards innovation as the core of its operations. Qiao Xin believes that innovation is an inexhaustible driving force for a company to 

survive for a long time, and it is the lifeline that determines the survival of the enterprise. Only by continuously launching products can we gain a first mover 

advantage in the market and break through the tight encirclement when AI technology matures in the future, occupying a strategic highland.

Explore the Unknown

To this day, a new round of financing for Shenrui Medical is also being prepared. Qiao Xin said, "In future financing and development, we will not easily accept invitations from investors, 

but need to consider the strategic layout of investment institutions and understand what strategic value investors can bring to Shenrui

As of December, Shenrui has implemented its artificial intelligence products in nearly 300 hospitals. Shenrui's products are not only used in tertiary hospitals, but also in grassroots 

hospitals where Shenrui uses AI technology to benefit more people. At the same time, medical examination institutions are also an important direction for Shenrui's cooperation, and their

 cooperation has made significant progress in the near future.

For the application scenario of physical examination, Qiao Xin believes that: Physical examination and diagnosis are two different scenarios: diagnosis focuses more on 'analysis',

 while physical examination only focuses on' detection '. However, this does not mean that physical examination reduces the algorithmic requirements of AI technology. In fact, the 

population for physical examination is large, and the requirements for physical examination vary for different diseases. To ensure the success rate of physical examination, we must

 do more research to ensure the effectiveness of its examination results, which actually increases our technical requirements

Of course, its core still lies in technological development. This is not a problem for Shenrui. Shenrui has a team that can overcome all difficulties and solve all technical problems, 

which is Shenrui's core competitiveness

Difficult to measure value

The valuation of medical AI companies has always been a challenge. In the absence of a clear commercialization path, many companies can only estimate the potential profit potential

 in the future based on the total market size and possible market share, and cannot even reach a consensus on future cash flow standards. Therefore, valuations brought about by 

different valuation methods often have significant differences. Even if the same data is submitted, the data itself lacks a standardized process. Therefore, it is difficult for 

the current valuation to reach an accurate value.

A commonly used method is to determine whether the valuation of existing enterprises is reasonable by seeking the valuation of enterprises in the same field. Although there are still

 significant errors, there is also a certain reference value. Taking intelligent driving, which takes computer vision as its core technology, as an example, the industry's general

 valuation is above $1 billion, with most companies valuing between $1.1 billion and $2 billion.

Artificial intelligence enterprises focused on the medical field generally have low valuations. As a landmark index of enterprise development, valuation represents the stage of 

enterprise development. As a reference indicator, many core values of enterprises, such as strong scientific research strength and huge development potential, cannot be reflected 

in valuation. However, Shenrui Medical has great potential and high room for improvement in this direction.

In addition, the application of AI technology in the medical field is still in a rapid development stage, constantly expanding new territories. In the future, AI may be applied in

 pathology, surgery, and rehabilitation. The gradual realization of all future scenarios will bring more value to existing AI enterprises - they have won at the starting line.

As the leader of AI+medical enterprises, Shenrui not only has talent advantages to support sustainable development, but also has the support of external resources such as 

policies and capital. These wealth will lead Shenrui to continue advancing in the future, Deeper and Wiser.

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