Thinbo International Co., Ltd

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From "vascular recanalization" to "vascular reconstruction"

Coronary heart disease is a common cardiovascular disease, and its onset is often related to unhealthy lifestyles,

 including unhealthy diet (high fat, high cholesterol, high calories, etc.), smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, 

prolonged sitting, staying up late, lack of exercise, high stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Due to the existence of

 unhealthy lifestyle, coupled with the lack of physical activity and self-care awareness, the incidence rate and 

mortality of coronary heart disease are increasing year by year, and the incidence is getting younger and younger, 

which has become the "first killer" threatening human health.

In recent years, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has rapidly developed into a relatively mature minimally

 invasive technique and is also the main method of treating coronary heart disease.

Coronary stents are commonly used medical devices in PCI, and implantation of stents can achieve the goal of 

supporting narrow blood vessels and improving blood flow supply. Up to now, it has gone through the stages of 

bare metal stents and metal drug stents, mainly made of stainless steel, cobalt chromium, or platinum chromium 

alloys. Currently, it has ushered in the era of bioabsorbable stents.

The matrix material of NeoVas bioabsorbable stent is the internationally used medical grade absorbable material

 L-polylactic acid (PLLA), and the drug is the classic restenosis inhibitor Sirolimus. After being implanted into

 the human body, it undergoes three stages: blood vessel reconstruction, stent degradation and absorption, and 

vascular repair. After achieving the same function as metal stents to support narrow blood vessels, it can be 

completely absorbed by the human body within about 3 years, allowing patients to bid farewell to the "metal heart"

 and have no foreign objects left in the body, avoiding the extremely late safety risks caused by permanent

 retention of metal stents in the body. The vascular structure and function are restored to a healthy state, 

To achieve the goal of "vascular reconstruction". At the same time, magnetic resonance imaging can be performed

 after the operation of bioabsorbable stents, avoiding the drawbacks of metal stents. This is another revolution

 in the field of cardiovascular treatment after the metal stent "vascular recanalization", and another milestone

 in PCI technology.

NeoVas bioabsorbable stent is a globally recognized second-generation bioabsorbable stent with excellent safety,

 developed by Lepu Medical after nearly ten years of experience and utilizing the company's technology accumulation

 in the stent field for nearly twenty years. The three-year clinical follow-up data shows that the long-term safety

 is much better than that of similar international stents; Compared with metal drug stents, there is no statistically

 significant difference in blood vessel reconstruction and safety. However, after stent degradation, the patient's 

blood vessels basically return to the elasticity of the original blood vessels, demonstrating statistical superiority

 and significant therapeutic advantages. Patients will receive greater and more full life cycle benefits, and can

 provide more excellent and diverse products and solutions for patients and doctors

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